Rule 25 & Chemical Assessments

Information on rule 25 and chemical evaluations in Crow Wing County

 What is rule 25 Crow Wing County MN?

A rule 25 – 612.474.4100 scheduling hotline – is a evaluation of a person’s alcohol and drug use history. The evaluation is conducted in Crow Wing County by a trained psychotherapist. During the appointment, a person would be interviewed in a conversational manner. The therapist will inquire on wide-ranging topics, including: past substance use, current alcohol or drug-related problems, health, well-being, employment, relationships, and legal history. The purpose of the rule 25 is to diagnose substance use disorders and help individuals seeking treatment to get admitted.

It is of high importance to meet with a private rule 25 assessor, instead of completing the assessment at a for-profit treatment center! According to The Center on Addiction, for-profit treatment centers can be staffed by poorly trained staff and oftentimes do not offer evidenced-based counseling. Of equal concern, is that for-profit rehab assessors are inherently biased toward recommending treatment services to people at their facility. This can lead to people feeling pressured into treatment. When the rule 25 assessment is court ordered, judges and probation will mandate that a person follow through with rule 25 recommendations.

Instead of completing the rule 25 at a for-profit rehab center, it is advisable to complete the assessment at an independent testing agency, such as the Crow Wing County
Chemical Assessment Center - dial 612.474.4100. Appointments are available in person or via secure video conference (telemedicine). This will ensure that you meet with a specially trained therapist who will listen to you and advocate for you. Assessments are truly independent, meaning a person gets a fair evaluation. Additionally, if a person is seeking alcohol or drug treatment services, the assessor is able to refer a person to the best possible treatment program.

 What is a Crow Wing County chemical assessment?

A chemical assessment is a type of diagnostic assessment that alcohol/drug specialists conduct in and around Crow Wing County Minnesota and the country to diagnose addiction and substance abuse. The assessment is also referred to as a chemical dependency or CD evaluation. These assessments are the first step in helping individuals seeking alcohol- or drug-treatment get placed into a program. Each state has different licensing requirements of who can conduct the chemical assessment. In MN, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC) generally oversee the process. It is best to seek out an Crow Wing County assessor with advanced education who can properly diagnose addiction issues, to reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.

 How is addiction treated?

The good news is that we have more evidenced-based treatments available, for the treatment of addiction issues, than at any time in the past. Interventions include both medications and psychotherapy or counseling. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) discusses these approaches in depth.

One of the biggest issues in the field of addiction treatment is referred to as the Research-Practice Gap. Essentially, this means that there is currently a gap between the implementation of evidenced-based treatments. Therapists and doctors oftentimes do not utilize the most effective treatments. Instead, Crow Wing County therapists may avoid the use of treatment manuals and offer therapy based on what they think would help best. This is a problem because there are talk therapies that are outperforming treatment as usual. When seeking effective treatment and evidenced-based care based upon the best treatments available, a person should complete his or her chemical or rule 25 assessment at the Chemical Assessment Center - call 612.474.4100 - so a referral to a high quality treatment program can be made.


 Dial 612.474.4100 for a private Crow Wing County rule 25 assessment
